Sunday, 24 February 2013

First version of Drizzle Tools for MySQL servers released

Today marks the first release of Drizzle Tools for MySQL servers.  Drizzle Tools aims to be a collection of useful utilities to use with MySQL servers based around the work on the Libdrizzle Redux project.

In this first version there is one utility in the tree called 'drizzle-binlogs'.  If you've seen me talk about this tool before it is because it used to be included in the Libdrizzle 5.1 source but has now been moved here to be developed independently.  For those who haven't 'drizzle-binlogs' is a tool which connects to a MySQL server as a slave, retrieves the binary log files and stores them locally.  This could be used as part of a backup solution or a rapid way to help create a new MySQL master server.

Due to the API changes before the Libdrizzle API became stable Drizzle Tools requires a minimum of Libdrizzle 5.1.3 to be installed.

I wanted to release this sooner but unfortunately most of my time has been taken up with the first release of the project I manage and develop for my day job (HP Cloud's Load Balancer as a Service, more about this in a future blog post).

In the not too distant future there will be more tools included in the Drizzle Tools releases, I have the next one already 50% developed.  In the mean time you can download the first version here.


  1. Interesting....was there any back and forth between Oracle on this? mysqlbinlog now has that feature, to connect to a remote server and retrieve binary logs and store them locally.

    1. No back and forth with Oracle (I highly doubt anything I do is even on their radar).

      I know mysqlbinlog has that feature, I designed/engineered it whilst I was at Oracle (a large social network company requested it so I did a proof of concept and it ended up as a MySQL 5.6 feature) :)

      I have plans to add features to Drizzle Tools that aren't in mysqlbinlog.


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