MySQL 5.1 has a great feature which not many people know about, that is the fact it can be extended via. the use of plugins. Unfortunately how you go about this is not incredibly well documented. You can search for examples on the internet, dig through the MySQL source code and ask on the forums and you may figure it all out. But doing all this is time consuming and could easily put someone off. So Sergei Golubchik and I have got together to bring you this book which will show you, using examples, how to write your own plugins.
We start by explaining the UDF API which has been around for a long time, and then move on to Daemon Plugins, Information Schema Plugins, Full-text Search Plugins and Storage Engine Plugins. Each with usable examples.
MySQL 5.1 Plugins Development has just been published by Packt Publishing and I believe it is well worth a look if you are thinking of extending MySQL.